Building a Reporting System for Harassment and Toxic Conduct

You can have absolutely perfect policies and training, but if no one feels comfortable in reporting misconduct, you aren’t going to be
successful at deterring and preventing harassment. Your members and staff won’t trust that it’s safe to report.

And if misconduct is reported to you, how will you ensure that your investigation will be timely, confidential, and free from retaliation?

That’s why Accountability Ignited features independent, third-party reporting and investigation services that remove the possibility of retaliation and bias from the process.

To encourage anonymous and confidential reporting,  we use a customized reporting form that makes it easy to share information and
discern trends without disclosing the identity of the individuals who report. I work with those who report to determine what their optimal
outcome is, and what options they have available to achieve it. My experience personally listening to and advising thousands of workers, and my training in trauma-informed approaches means I’m ready to help those who have experienced harm chart their path forward.

My unique approach to reporting and investigations ensure that those who report know about their options and don’t face
retaliation. You’re not in the middle wondering which person to trust or worrying about whether your process is biased.

Until we remove the primary responsibility for harassment reporting and investigations from organizational leaders and staff, your process will always be suspect and can deter people from coming forward. Let’s fix that together!

Book an Appointment

If you want to stop worrying about harassment and toxic behavior in your organization, let’s get to work! 

When you complete the assessment, you will be sent a calendar link to set up an appointment.